About us

The purpose of the Foundation is to sort the current status of the "Szőke Tisza” (formely known as IV. Károly), the doubble chimney, paddled steam ship, which was built between 1916 and 1917, including the the rescue of protected technical elements of it, safe storage of all those parts, that they are under inheritance protection, and finally, the lifting up of the sunken steamer from the water. (The protected technical elments are claimed as a "protected collective objects" by the Cultural Heritage Institute).

After these, the Foundation pursues, to restore the ship almost to its original state, involving external financial resources, or - if restoration is not feasible in the absence of adequate resources – at least to utilize these items as an industrial history value, a memory, for education, museum and cultural purposes. Within this framework, the Foundation seeks to display the renewed (and operating) steam engine. Using other unprotected parts of the ship, and searching for and procuring physical monuments attached to the ship, which can be found elsewhere. With all this, the Foundation would like to participate in a forming of a "Szőke Tisza Ship Memorial" in the city of Szeged.

Further purpose of the Foundation is to seek out in Hungary for abandoned or exploitable ships, that are not in use any more, that they are unique value in their design or in their operation, seek shipping-related assets, tangible memories, and purchase these items as far as possible, take care about their preservation and refurbishment, preserve them for the future generations, place them to an available at a showroom preferably for public interest, and to use the potential benefit of this operation for carrying out public interest activities.

The Fundation is involved in sailing acquainting for the younger generation, in training and education of Hungarian boat sailors, upto the conditions for the issue them to a exam. Finally it collaborates and helps organizations with similar objectives.